FAQ on Executive Order on IMLS / March 29, 2025
On March 14, 2025, President Trump issued Executive Order 14238, “Continuing the Reduction of the Federal Bureaucracy“, that requires the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and six other agencies to eliminate all non-statutory functions and minimize all statutory functions and expenditures to the maximum extent possible. Each agency head was given 7 days to confirm compliance with the order (March 21).
A1. What is the IMLS?
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is an independent federal agency that supports libraries and museums in all 50 states and U.S. territories. The IMLS administers both federal grants to State Libraries, which determine how funds are spent, and discretionary grants to individual library entities. It is the single largest federal source of funding for libraries in the U.S.A2. How large is the IMLS’s budget?
For the most recently completed fiscal year (2024), the IMLS budget was $294.8 million, or 0.0046% of total federal spending. Zeroing out its budget would be the equivalent of reducing a $100,000 budget by $4.60. The IMLS allocated $211 million specifically to library-related grants. Of that, the New Hampshire State Library (NHSL) received $1.5 million, which represented 42% of its total budget.A3. Where will the biggest impacts be felt in NH if IMLS funds go away?
The State Library’s interlibrary loan service operates almost entirely on federal funds. IMLS funds cover driver compensation and van fuel, maintenance, and replacement, as well as the statewide union catalog and software that support the service. For the most recent 12-month period, the ILL service transported over 176,000 items to and from 245 NH libraries.Half of the staff at Talking Books Services for the blind and print disabled are federally funded employees. IMLS also funds the Technology Library position, which provides leadership and support to all 234 public libraries in the state. The majority of NH libraries are too small to have a dedicated IT staff person or to pay for managed services.
Since so many of the State Library’s activities are inextricably linked with IMLS funding, it’s difficult to determine which services could be sustained without any federal support. (Most IMLS grants required a 34% local match.)
A4. How would cuts affect Plaistow specifically?
The statewide interlibrary loan service provides our cardholders with access to the combined holdings of over 300 public, school, academic, and other libraries across the state, vastly leveraging the range of titles we’re able to offer. The State Library’s van service delivers materials twice a week to Plaistow (over 1,500 items in 2024). Without this service, postage costs alone (i.e., excluding the cost of supplies) would have totaled $6,500 last year, at USPS’s current Media Mail rate. Providing reciprocal service to other NH libraries would also require a minimum of 2-3 extra hours in staff time per week.For privacy reasons, we don’t know which residents are using the Talking Books service. According to the latest national Census, approximately 1.5% of Plaistow residents have a visual impairment.
Last year Plaistow patrons checked out more than 1 out of every 7 items from NH Overdrive (8,144). Since its inception in 2007, the consortium has been administered and led by staff at the New Hampshire State Library with funds provided by the IMLS. The Institute has also funded Libby, the Overdrive platform (approx. $40,000/yr). Without this support, the NH library community would have to find both the funding and volunteers to maintain the continued viability of the service.
A5. What happens next?
No one outside the Administration knows for sure. The Library is monitoring developments closely and will share further information as it becomes available.A6. What should I do?
That’s up to you. However, if you feel strongly about the Executive Order, we encourage you to reach out to the White House and/or your congressional representatives to share your views. See How Do I Make My Voice Heard? below for resources and helpful tips.
FAQ on New Hampshire State Library Budget / March 29, 2025
The NH House is currently drafting the two-year state budget for FY 2026 and 2027. This includes the budget for the New Hampshire State Library, which is part of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR).
B1. What’s going on with the NHSL budget at the state level?
On Monday, March 24, the NH House Finance Division I committee held a hearing to review the DNCR budget. During this meeting Rep. Joe Sweeney (Salem) made a motion to eliminate all funding for both the New Hampshire State Library and Division of the Arts.B2. What happened?
The vote to defund the Division of the Arts passed by a 5-4 vote, saving $966,000 annually in the Governor’s proposed $8 billion budget. The vote to shut down the State Library was postponed until the following day, when Rep. Sweeney withdrew his motion. A subsequent motion to cut the DNCR budget by $300,000 in each of the next two fiscal years passed, 5-4, with an expectation that most of the cuts would have to come from the State Library.B3. What will happen next?
The full House Finance Committee will meet in executive session on Monday, March 31, to begin debate and voting on dozens of amendments recommended by the three Divisions of the committee. The executive session will continue Thursday, April 3.The full House will hold its vote the following week to approve a two-year state budget to pass on to the state’s Senate. Ultimately, Governor Ayotte will have an opportunity to sign or veto the budget.
B4. How does the State Library budget affect Plaistow?
See Questions A3 and A4 for the impact of a $1.5 million cut. It’s too soon to tell how the current $300,000 cut (7.5%) would impact services. In theory, it’s possible the cut could be either reversed or increased next week.B5. What should I do?
Again, this is up to you. With the House Finance Committee meeting on Monday, March 31 to review the state budget, this weekend would be a great time to share your views with the members. (It’s fine, by the way, to contact members even if they don’t represent your District.)
Our elected representatives often receive hundreds of emails, phone calls, and even letters. A personalized, courteous email, letter, or phone message is generally more effective than using the same “cookie-cutter” message as thousands of others.
C1. Tips for contacting your elected representatives and appointed officials --
• Identify yourself and your reason for writing or calling.• List any relevant credentials and state that you are a constituent, voter, or resident who lives or works in their district.
• Focus on a single topic or issue, listing the specific regulation, bill, or law, if there is one.
• Provide specific rather than general information about how the topic affects you and others.
• Focus on the factual over the emotional.
• Request the action you want taken.
For those opposed to cuts to IMLS funding, a number of organizations are providing advocacy resources (EveryLibrary, BookRiot, and the American Library Association, among others). But our Congressional representatives always welcome any contacts and testimonials since these help them assess which issues are most important to their constituents.
Residents are also welcome to reach out to the Library Director, Cab Vinton, to share thoughts, ask questions, or arrange a time to meet in person. Please email or call to schedule a time at director@plaistowlibrary.com or 603-382-6011.
C2. Executive Order Contact Info
• New Hampshire’s federal representatives
• The White House
Online contact form: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
Comments: 202-456-1111
C3. State Budget Contact Info
• NH House Finance Committee
• House Representatives in general
• Petition in Support of the State Library
Even further into the weeds …
D1. How else does the New Hampshire State Library use IMLS funds?
The State Library uses IMLS funds to support locally defined priorities as identified in its current LSTA Five-Year Plan (2023-2027). In addition to those identified above in A3 and A4, the State Library uses IMLS funds to:• Facilitate an integrated library system for the state’s smallest libraries (online catalog and back-end functions)
• Maintain a digital archive of “born-digital” state government publication
• Coordinate annual participation in the IMLS’s statistical reports that collect data on all 9,000 public libraries in the US
• Pay for annual membership in OCLC, which provides access to quality catalog records so libraries don’t have to reinvent the wheel, and,
• Provide funding for 9 employees to oversee and implement various NHSL programs.
D2. Why is the administration seeking to eliminate the IMLS?
The White House listed a variety of reasons in a Fact Sheet. These included following through on the administration's promises to:• Enhance accountability
• Promote innovation
• Save taxpayer dollars by reducing unnecessary government spending, especially waste, fraud, and abuse
• Streamline government priorities
• Return power to local communities and state governments
• “Drain the swamp”
• End ineffective government programs that empower government without achieving measurable results, and
• End spending on duplicative programs and frivolous expenditures that fail to align with American values or address the needs of the American people.
D3. What specific justifications has the administration offered to justify eliminating the IMLS?
The Library is unaware of any specific evidence that IMLS spending has lacked accountability or been ineffective, frivolous, wasteful, or subject to fraud. As mentioned above, each State Library defines the priorities that best meet the needs of its constituents and spends IMLS funds accordingly. The IMLS Grants to States program is not an example of federal micromanagement or top-down spending.The impact on the federal deficit is also expected to be minimal. In FY 2024, the cost for the State Library’s $1.5 million allocation worked out to $1.03 per resident per year.
A recent YouGov survey also showed strong support (81%) for maintaining, or even increasing, federal spending on libraries. 11% of respondents supported reducing federal support for libraries.
D4. How threatened is IMLS funding?
The intent of the Executive Order is to shut down the agency to the maximum extent possible. The IMLS was established by law, so it cannot be directly eliminated.The Executive Order requires that the agency limit activities to actions required by current laws, and to the maximum extent possible. This directive means shutting down all discretionary programs. It remains to be seen which agency functions the administration will deem “statutorily required” and how it will choose to define “minimum presence and function.”
On March 14 President Trump also signed a continuing resolution that included funding for IMLS at FY 2024 levels through September, when the federal fiscal year ends. That said, the administration has been aggressive in its attempts to stop a number of other agencies and departments from making planned expenditures. If the administration attempts to withhold one or more of the remaining FY 2025 monthly distributions, this would not come as a huge surprise. Several courts are now reviewing the administration’s “impoundment” authority, i.e., to what extent it can refuse to spend funds duly appropriated by Congress.
D5. What will happen after September 2025?
It is unclear how the Executive Order will impact the IMLS in the next fiscal year that begins in October (FY 2026). Even in the absence of the order, a couple other significant hurdles remain. The Museum and Library Services Act of 2018 reauthorized the IMLS only through September 2025. Congress will have to renew the act for the IMLS to continue in its present form.If the act is renewed, President Trump is likely to eliminate funding for the IMLS budget in his proposed budget, as he did during his first term. Congress always added the funds back, but there’s no way to know whether they would do so again, or at what funding level.
D6. Does the Executive Order impact any other organizations?
Yes. The IMLS also includes the Office of Museum Services, which received $55.5 million in FY 2024. The museum community relies heavily on the IMLS’ grants. Refer to the American Alliance of Museums for additional information.In addition, the Executive Order also seeks to reduce to the maximum extent possible the funding and activities of the following agencies:
• the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service;
• the United States Agency for Global Media;
• the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the Smithsonian Institution;
• the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness;
• the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund; and
• the Minority Business Development Agency.