The Friends of the Library enhance the Library's offerings to its patrons and the Plaistow community. All of the Library's Museum Passes, for example, are funded solely by the Friends, saving Plaistow residents approximately $9,000 each year in admission fees.

They also help out with the summer reading program and purchased our art-rail display system.

The Friends meet at the Library on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 10:30 am.

Would you like to join the Friends? To learn more call the Library at 382-6011, e-mail us at, and follow us on Facebook!  


Dot Ketchum Chair
Mary Gori Vice Chair
Jeanne LeBlanc Treasurer
Mary Corsetto Secretary
Georgia Pane Hospitality
Kathy Wright Hospitality
Kathy Cullen Member-at-Large
Michelle Sykes Member-at-Large